Independent Review and Verification
Independent design review and verification are key elements of the quality system and usually implemented at planned hold points in a design program. The Rigore team exercise professional judgement in providing this service by performing the role as the inspection body to carry out assessments on behalf of clients, with the objective of providing information to those parties relative to conformity with regulations, standards, or specifications. Inspection parameters may include matters of quantity, quality, safety, fitness for use, and continued compliance.
We include consideration of all aspects of the design and assist with the evaluation of adherence to quality assurance requirements including:
Availability of design documentation including drawings (project electronic model), design report and specifications
The quality of the design itself
Structural and other engineering aspects
Constructability considerations
Safety in design
Design integration and staging
Design interfaces
Any unusual features of the design
Road safety audits performed and recorded at all stages
Engineering design certification (where required by the client)
The number and timing of design reviews may vary depending on the type and complexity of the project, taking the client requirements into consideration. We can help determine the frequency and the depth of each review required for a project based on an assessment of:
The type of project
Project complexity
Project risk
Knowledge and skills of the designer(s) involved
Technology being utilised
Taking into account the client’s requirements
At a minimum, we recommend that design reviews are undertaken at the end of each phase of the design and at key points within the design program including:
Development of traffic engineering layouts and the establishment of horizontal and vertical alignment
Prior to approval of the drainage strategy
Prior to fixing boundaries
Overview of the final design prior to signing of the drawings
We ensure that the important aspects of this process be addressed including:
Planned hold points for design reviews shall be included in the program.
Road safety audit components of the design review shall be carried out as required.
Issues raised in previous design review reports have been addressed by the design team and the outcomes recorded
All design checks shall be recorded to establish traceability and to demonstrate the depth of checking that has occurred. All design checking documentation shall be signed off and dated.
A clear and concise design review report should be prepared, covering (a) road safety findings and recommendations if not reported separately, and (b) assessment of the total design for function, safety, constructability, maintainability, durability, project specific requirements, statutory and regulatory requirements, aesthetics and economy.
Design discrepancies are adequately reviewed and resolved to take into consideration the effect of design changes on already completed work and adjacent sections of the design.
If you are still wondering why reviews so important? This service will enable the design team to incorporate recommended changes early in the design process ensuring that costly re-design and worse still construction variations are avoided.