Safe Systems Assessments
A Safe System Assessment is a tool that has been developed to provide a measure of the extent to which a road infrastructure project aligns with Safe System principles and the ultimate objective of eliminating fatal and serious injuries from crashes on the road network.
Rigore Engineering Services undertakes two types of Safe System Assessments depending on your specific needs:
Full Safe System Assessments
A full Safe System Assessment in accordance that undertakes an in-depth investigation of all four safe system components, including the relevant road and roadside, vehicle safety and behaviousal issues. It will provide you with a holistic insight into the performance of a given road, project or program in relation to the Safe System framework.
Rapid Safe System Assessment
A Safe System Assessment for Roads and Roadside assess if and how existing or future roads and roadsides comply with the Safe System framework. It focuses on the upper two components in the Safe System diagram, being Safer Roads and Safer Speeds.