Safety in Design & Risk Assessments
Rigore personnel are specialists in the risk assessment of roadside hazards. A key skill set required to combat Run-off-road (ROR) crashes which are a major type of road crash that results in death and serious injury. Across the Australian states and territories, and New Zealand, ROR crashes typically account for 40 to 65% of all rural crashes, while in urban areas (based on Victorian and New Zealand data) the proportion is 15 to 20%.
There are numerous reasons as to why vehicles leave the roadway and encroach onto the roadside environment. These include lack of driver concentration, driver inattention, driver fatigue, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, excessive speed, poor visibility, inadequate visual cues of the road path, poor road condition and vehicle failure (e.g. brake failure, worn tyres, etc.).
To reduce the incidence of ROR crashes and to support the ‘safe road system’ concept and goals, a strategic approach to treating and managing roadside hazards is essential, so as to minimise their potential to cause injury or death.
Rigore personnel are road safety practitioners with the skills and knowledge required to assess and implement established industry methodologies based on the hazard characteristics, and potential treatment options. We recommend treatments based on quantitative economic evaluation of hazardous roadside objects and provide benefit/cost ratios for each option.
It is through this process that we can help you minimise the risk of ROR crashes and advise how to implement a hazard management system endeavouring to provide a road environment that reduces the potential for road users to lose control of their vehicle and run off the road.